Monday, March 22, 2010

Dream! Don’t stop dreaming yet work for your dreams.

I was once an innocent dreamer, who always looks ways, takes every chance and grabs every opportunity that comes across my way. I never stop dreaming! I believe in my dreams simply because I know God will help me find my way and make my dreams a reality.

We all know very well that our society is facing economic crisis. Some if not most, especially the impoverish fellows get discouraged in striving more for a better life because they believe chances are dark and opportunities are dim, and the worse, they believe they are already doomed to failure.

But not with me! I was born from a poor family but I never lose hope. I always cling to a faith that being poor is just temporary, it’s not everlasting! However, it has not become easy for me. I had undergone so many struggles. I stumbled so many times yet I always opted to rise, and so did I always.

Going to school and acquire sufficient education is really important that everybody should consider. One may be poor today but acquiring adequate education may lead his way to a summit of success.

Verily, I am from a poor family but I get respected by people. With the education I had, I’ve been to places, which I longed to visit and go to. I had attended prestigious gatherings from all over the country. I met people from various walks of life. I relate to them and I am understood by them.

Education opens us the door to a wider perspective. It makes us relate to the world.

Chances are always there. But it is always our choice which path we shall take. Like me, I opted to follow a path full of wildest dreams. Life has still more to offer. All I have to do is believe and work for my dreams. I know it‘s hard but I am very optimistic that with the education that I have, something sweet and gratifying is waiting at the summit!

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